The Inauguration of The Gambia Methodist Laymen’s Association was held at Wesley Church, Dobson Street on Thursday 14th February 1985 when the constitution of the Association was adopted followed by registration of Members and Election of Officers.

Motto and Rallying Hymn
The motto of the Association is derived from the acronym C.A.R.E

C – Communion
A – Action
R – Responsibility
E – Enoblement

The Rallying Hymn is No. 716 (MHB) ‘Thou God Of Truth And Love…..’


The aim of the Association is to promote the spiritual, financial and social life of the Church.


Membership is open to all full male members of the Methodist Church of The Gambia.

Non- Methodist in exceptional circumstances may be invited to be Honorary Members.

Primary Goals, ObjectIves, and Key Achievements SInce 1985.

The Gambia Methodist Layman’s Association was the First and only Methodist Men’s Association or organization in the Gambia. . After over 36 years of existence The Gambia Methodist Laymen’s Association ( GMLA ) has been and will continue to support and supplement the Methodist Church of The Gambia in various ways , such as Education, Medical , Agriculture and Social responsibility within our communities and throughout the Gambia.

However, our primary mission continues to be promotion of the Spiritual , Financial and Social life of our Methodist Church in The Gambia. It was over 36 years ago on 14th February 1985 ,The Gambia Methodist Laymen’s Association was inaugurated by great , dedicated and distinguished Methodist men of The Gambia.

During the past 36years ,The GMLA registered various achievements in both it’s spiritual, education , social and development work within The Methodist Church and the Gambian Society at large.

The GMLA is a distinguished and Noble Association with outstanding and dedicated Christian men ,all of whom are , competent, kind hearted ,God Fearing ,unlimited Love for the Methodist Church and real African Methodist Gentlemen.


The GMLA membership collectively and Individually stood and took up it’s responsibilities and contributed in various ways in The Methodist Church Autonomy process in 2008 and 2009. The GMLA members have been and still determined to take the lead in making the Autonomy a respectable and admired status Because as Christians our Christian life is one of Faith and Hope. Our Faith is dependent on our hope in Almighty God, who is the author and finisher of our Faith.

The GMLA has been and still ,continues to supplementing the Methodist Church of The Gambia in various community out reach projects and activities.. Members continue to contribute their , time and financial resources towards the goals and objective of the Association..

The following are just few GMLA Projects , Activities and programs :


In fulfilling The GMLA stated and foremost objectives in support of Education in Method- ist Schools, the GMLA has been and continue to sponsor the annual presentation of vari- ous prizes and awards to several Methodist Schools., from Nursery to Senior Secondary Schools. Some of the Academic prizes presented annually are for

  • Best Science
  • Best Mathematics
  • Best Christ Religious Education
  • Best English.

The GMLA also between 2007 to 2010 distributed various Academic text books research materials to The University of The Gambia , Gambia College ,Gambia Technical Training Institute (GTTI ) and Gambia Methodist Academy.

The GMLA Justice Forster Memorial Scholarship Fund was established in 1988 on behalf of the Officers and members of the Association , to award academic scholarships to academically qualified Methodist School Students ,that qualified academically and met the required scholarship criteria. This is a Scholarship to honor the Founding Father of our Association.

Christian Religious EducatIon:

The GMLA Annual Bible Quiz for all Methodist Church Sunday Schools, is unusually held at Trinity Methodist Church ,Serekunda. All Methodist Church Sunday Schools within the Methodist Connection are always Invited to participate. The following cash prizes are usually awarded: 1st Place prize = D3,000 , 2nd Place = D2000 , 3rd Place = D1,500 and 4th place =D1000. Special Bonus questions prizes and certificates of participation will also be awarded.

GMLA annual Retreat and Workshop:

The GMLA Annual Retreat and Workshop, is held annually with specific Topic of Discussion, which will help contribute or enhance the future growth of the Methodist Church .The Gambia. Resource persons and speakers are usually selected based on their expertise , knowledge and years of experience about the subject matter.

Social Responsibility:

GMLA Annual visit and distribution of Christmas Gifts
The GMLA Annual Christmas visit to fellowship and share Christmas gifts with Home bound brothers ,designated Patients at Edward Frances Small Teaching Hospital (EFSTH), Gambia Sanatorium and Tanka Tanka Hospitals ,etc .These gestures are always highly appreciated by patients and staff of all three Institutions. These humanitarian visits as Christian Association from The Methodist Church ,always provide us with enriching experiences for which we are most grateful. The GMLA continues to support the less fortunate brothers of our Association and members of designated Methodist circuits respectively.

The GMLA in 2009 and 2010 distributed several bags of rice and 20 liters of cooking oil worth tens of thousands dalasi to the needy Methodist members and residents of Kombo Western Region as part of our annual Christmas activities.

Support of Methodist Church Medical Work:

The GMLA complemented the Medical work of the Methodist Church in 2008 by providing affordable quality health care to people / residents of Kombo Western Region . The Association donated with various needed medicines valued at over D200,0000 ( two hundred thousand dalasi) to the Methodist Church Medical board at a ceremony held at the medical facility at Brikama.


The GMLA has been and still ,continues to supplementing the Methodist Church of The Gambia in various community out reach projects and activities.. Members continue to contribute their , time and financial resources towards the goals and objective of the Association..

Finally The Methodist Church the Gambia is blessed with several GMLA members of varied abilities , talent , skills , and professional experiences, which could be utilized extensively without counting the cost. The GMLA will continue to supplement The Methodist Church for several more years to come.

This is clearly stipulated in the scriptures ‘’ Make God’s service your delight ..he will make your wants his care’’ Amen.
The GMLA have neither claimed to be Christ nor do we have the power to give the Methodist Church all it wants ,but let us remember that the widow’s mite was greatly appreciated.

Yours in The Service of Christ Bro. Henry K. Davies
GMLA President.
2011 – 2014
2020 -2021