Current Executive Members
PRESIDENT Sis Armisticia Jones
VICE PRESIDENT Sis Caroline Mendy
SECRETARY Sis. Comfort Ceesay
TREASURER Sis. Elizabeth Elliott
ASSISTANT PRO – ADVISERS Aunty Esther Sarr; Aunty Annie Belle

The World Federation of Methodist and Uniting Church Women (WFMUCW) is a global network of Christian women leading social and economic change in 9 Areas worldwide, covering 64 countries. It advocates for peace, social justice, dignity, and raising the sta- tus of women since it was founded on 26th October 1939.

The World Assembly meets once every five years, and World Officers are elected and in- ducted into office for the quinquenium, likewise, Areas are encouraged to hold their Area Seminars within the quinquenium, and elect their Area Executives.

The West Africa Area membership comprises both English and French speaking coun- tries, namely: Ghana, Liberia, Nigeria, Sierra Leone, Benin, Cote D’Ivoire, Togo, Senegal and The Gambia

Methodist Women’s Federation The Gambia is affiliated to the WFMUCW and was formed by an amalgamation of the existing women groups in the Methodist Church, namely, Bakau Women’s Auxilliary, Bethel Women’s Auxilliary, Brikama Women’s Auxilliary, Marakissa Women’s Auxilliary, Trinity Women’s Group and Wesley Women’s Auxilliary. The launching of MWFTG was held on 26th October 2010 at Trinity Methodist Church under its First President- Sis. Matilda Johnson. In 2011, Sis Matilda was appointed West Africa Area President for WFMUCW and Sis Lisong Bah was elected President of MWFTG. During her tenure, Lamin Calvary Women’s Auxilliary and Central River Region (CRR) Women’s Auxilliary and Ghana Town Women’s Auxilliary joined the Federation. Sis Lisong held this position till 2020 when she handed over to Sis Armisticia Jones, the current President.

In 2016, at the World Assembly in Houston, Texas, Sis Matilda Johnson was elected World Vice President; the second Gambian Methodist woman to hold this position. Aunty Esther Sarr held this position from 1976 to 1981.

The organization is strengthened by the diversity of age, culture, economic status, and educational background and is open to all Methodist Women.

MEMBERSHIP currently stands at 250.


MWFTG hosted a five day Area Seminar from 20th to 24th May, 2013 at the Shalom Retreat Centre, Fajara, The Gambia under the Theme- ‘Women’s Empowerment and Food Security’, which cuts across the MDGs and is one of constant concern to women across the globe.

Assistance to Female prisoners at the Mile Two Central Prisons (bath soap, bath slippers, food items, sanitary towels, bath towels, laundry soap etc) Provided vegetable seeds (tomato, onion) to women in Brikama, Marakissa, Banni and Jangjangbureh.

Donated Sewing machines to CRR women donated Bibles in the local language- Mandinka (to be used in CRR Church services) Provided chairs for Kassakunda Church members (before the Church building was erected) Donated used clothing, shoes etc Contributed to the Presiding Bishop’s Education Fund Funded the attendance of Sis Lisong to the Area Seminar in Ghana (2018) and World Assembly in South Africa (2011) Funded the attendance of Sis Matilda to the funeral of the former Area Vice President in Benin (2013) Sis Aurelia Prom participated as a Helen Kim Scholar in the 2011 World Assembly in South Africa.